EXPO 2017 Kazakhstan: New and exciting tourist destination

MTT综合医学训练疗法国际教学中心th Worldwide Winter Universiade in Almaty and EXPO 2017 “Future Energy” in Astana are presenting Kazakhstan to the world as a new and exciting tourist destination in Asia. 

One of the greatest sports competitions began in Almaty yesterday. In only a few months’ time, on July 10, there will be an event no less impressive in scale – the EXPO 2017 International Specialized Exhibition in Astana.

哈萨克斯坦最近在《纽约时报》的“ 52个要去的地方”中得到了体现-这是年度旅游胜地的领先清单。 其作者提到2017年世博会是值得一游的重要活动。 2017年世博会和大运会将吸引来自全球的游客。


游客将有机会参观有能力的12个自然公园,参观Charyn峡谷,Kolsai湖,Borovoye,Bayanaul和Karkaraly等独特的地方,并被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产名录(科贾·艾哈迈德陵墓) Yasawi,Tamgaly的石像和丝绸之路沿线的遗物),或前往特殊的目的地,例如世界最大的航天发射场Baikonur Cosmodrome。

大运会和2017年世博会之前签署了合作备忘录。 展览品牌专区位于阿拉木图体育馆的冰上建筑群,在这里游客可以了解EXPO 2017的主要活动,展馆,参与者,项目和哈萨克斯坦的地标,并购买该可再生能源领域全球领先活动的门票。

The Universiade takes places in Almaty from January 29 through February 8. It is a sports competition held under the aegis of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), in which students, postgraduate students, and graduates, aged 17-28, are allowed to compete. 2,000 athletes from 55 countries participate in the Universiade.


The International Specialized Exhibition EXPO 2017 “Future Energy” is a showcase and entertainment event, which will be held from June 10 through September 10, 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan. Lasting for 93 days, it will prove one of the most spectacular cultural events of the year. At the moment, 112 countries and 18 international organisations have confirmed their participation.
