Fresh thinking and future thinking: creativity and trends explored at IMEX America

A shot of creativity goes a long way to remaining competitive and addressing future trends. This is the view of Susan Robertson whose mission is to ‘sharpen strategic creativity to produce real results.’

在她在 IMEX America 的 Play Room 会议中,“你解决了错误的问题吗?” 她向与会者展示了如何从新的角度应对挑战,以提出新的想法和创新。 在哈佛大学教授创造性思维课程的苏珊解释说,“爱因斯坦说'如果我有一个小时来解决一个问题,我会花 55 分钟思考问题,XNUMX 分钟思考解决方案。'”

Susan’s was one of many innovative sessions in the Play Room, the creative hotbed of the show, enabling planners to get hands on with tools, techniques and resources to develop new ideas and make meetings more interactive. It includes a dedicated innovation corner for out of the box thinking and an engagement corner for tricks on how to create a deeper and richer audience experience. There’s even the chance to set a Guinness World Record by tackling the “Beer Coaster challenge!”

Creativity and future thinking go hand in hand, as fresh thinking ensures planners can address forthcoming trends and incorporate them into their business. The German Convention Bureau gave an insight into the future of meetings in Research and innovation: See the future of meetings today. Attendees discovered trends in knowledge sharing, tech and meeting design from the Future Meeting Space – a project by the German Convention Bureau (GCB), European Association of Event Centres (EVVC) and The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO. The GCB team, including Claudia the avatar, ran through future meeting scenarios and examples of how these have already been put into practice in Nuremburg, Leipzig and Munich.

从未来的会议场景到未来的会议参与者。 SPIN:Senior Planners Industry Network 的创始人 Shawna Suckow 发表了一个关于供应商的会议:如何更好地与当今的规划者建立联系。 Shawna 解释了如何“打破混乱”并通过客户推荐和面对面的网络以及社交媒体沟通的最佳实践技巧建立关系。

沟通和培养关系构成了 MPI 主题演讲者 Tami Evans 的核心。 她鼓励与会者拥抱他们的“内心傻瓜”,将其作为一种真正与人联系并提高参与度和生产力的方式。 自称“永远的乐观主义者”的塔米在她充满活力的主题演讲中建议代表们“暂停完美”,以支持个性和激情。 她的玻璃半满方法鼓励规划者在他们的职业和个人生活中更快乐、更健康。

出席主题演讲的 The Ordinary Success Project 的 Joanne Dennison 解释说:

“塔米震撼了它! 她向人们展示了如何将她的积极信息传递到展厅的工作中。 她无疑是一位充满活力的演讲者——非常适合我们在 IMEX 的最后一天。”

IMEX America目前在威尼斯人®的金沙会展中心举行。 18年20月2016日至17日,拉斯维加斯宫(Palazzo®Las Vegas)举行,XNUMX月XNUMX日为Smart Monday。

