Hotel guests value free Wi-Fi over other amenities

根据服务于奥黑尔国际机场和中途机场的GO Airport Express最近进行的一项调查,连通性远远超过了所有其他酒店设施。

这项调查涉及将近200人,该问题询问旅行者,除了早餐外,他们最喜欢的酒店免费赠品还有什么? 68%的受访者检查了Wi-Fi。

The second top answer, at 14 percent, was free transportation between the hotel and the airports. Following that were happy hour and in-room coffee and tea, tied at five percent.

使用健身俱乐部和游泳池,免费饼干和其他小吃的比例为XNUMX%。 调查中列出的其他便利设施包括报纸; 现场航空公司和行李登机手续; 免费使用雨伞,现场自行车和浴袍; 不到百分之一的受访者选择了这些选项中的任何一个作为他们的最爱。

“Today’s travelers have made it clear they want and need to be connected at all times, and they don’t want to be charged for it,” says John McCarthy, president, GO Airport Express. “In order to build and maintain loyalty, properties should be responsive to this widely preferred amenity.”
