Prince Harry’s love for Nepal

尼泊尔旅游局首席执行官Deepak R. Joshi周一离开了在布拉格举行的eTN尼泊尔旅游峰会路演,飞往伦敦。 由于尼泊尔大使馆安排了一次与尼泊尔旅游的真正朋友哈里王子举行的重要会面,因此将他的离开保密为秘密。

The royal made an emotional visit to Nepal back in March 2016, when he traveled to Kathmandu, Bardia and the Pokhara area. It was during this tour that he saw the effects of the 2015 earthquake and visited with displaced families. He even extended his trip to help rebuild a school destroyed by the quake. On that trip, the Prince also visited the Gurkha headquarters in Pokhara, the Kanti Children’s Hospital, and officially opened the Nepal Girl Summit that works to promote gender equality.


迪帕克·乔希(Deepak R. Joshi)昨天参加了在伦敦与哈里亲王的会晤,王子希望了解尼泊尔在旅游业方面的进展。

乔希先生说,哈里王子的好奇心使他对尼泊尔旅游业的发展感到惊讶和兴奋。 哈里王子对乔希先生说:“我想念尼泊尔……(我)很想再次访问。” 王子还说:“让我们为尼泊尔的旅游业更多地推动。”

旅游局首席执行官说,他非常感谢哈里王子对尼泊尔,尼泊尔人民和尼泊尔旅游业的热爱和支持。 他补充说,王子是非常开放的。
