Turkish Airlines has added its 120th country: Guinea

Turkish Airlines has today launched its first flight between Istanbul and Conakry. With this new addition, Turkish Airlines has expanded its network to 51 destinations on the continent where it is has the largest coverage number of destinations among all carriers. It is thereby cementing its position as the carrier that flies to more countries than any other airline, with 296 destinations in 120 countries.


该服务将通过瓦加杜古提供伊斯坦布尔阿塔图尔克机场和科纳克里国际机场之间的链接。 返程航班将使离开几内亚的乘客进入全球主要目的地,例如伦敦,迪拜,巴黎,法兰克福,马斯喀特,哥本哈根,斯德哥尔摩,布鲁塞尔,柏林,阿姆斯特丹,维也纳,阿斯马拉,汉堡,特拉维夫,杜塞尔多夫和米兰。

Flight TK 537 will be available 2 times weekly as of 30th 2017年XNUMX月.

土耳其航空公司首席营销官艾哈迈德·奥尔穆斯特(AhmetOlmuştur)先生在发布会上说: “我们进入科纳克里路线证明了我们对几内亚人民和经济的信念。 这一里程碑加强了我们的航空公司的地位,成为全球航班飞往更多国家的航空公司。”
